Maze Generation

A project I started when I was looking for an intership to graduate as a GameDeveloper, receiving an application assignment from a company I was interested in, asking me to create a maze using an algorithm of my choice in a short ammount of time.

After handing in my entry I expanded on what I had originaly build, adding 9 new algorithms to create the maze making it a total of 10 and a user interface to manage options regarding the generation.

Algorithms Used


  1. James-Buck (The Bucklog) - Recursive Backtracking
  2. James-Buck (The Bucklog) - Aldous-Broder
  3. James-Buck (The Bucklog) - BinaryTree
  4. James-Buck (The Bucklog) - Kruskal
  5. James-Buck (The Bucklog) - Prim
  6. James-Buck (The Bucklog) - Eller
  7. James-Buck (The Bucklog) - Wilson
  8. James-Buck (The Bucklog) - Hunt And Kill
  9. James-Buck (The Bucklog) - Growing Tree
  10. James-Buck (The Bucklog) - Sidewinder
  11. Wikipedia - Recursive Backtracking Algorithm
  12. Wikipedia - DeadEndFilling
  13. ProfessorRobertSolis - WallFollower